- Chairman of the Regional Chairman of Muhammadiyah in Aceh, Prof Dr H Al Yasa 'Abubakar MA, Saturday (7/7) inaugurated Dayah / Arqam Bayt Islamic School, in the village of Blang Tampok, Sibreh, Aceh Besar. Dayah-based Information Technology (IT), Journalism, and Tahfiz Quran, began to educate students tsanawiyah level (MTs) since 2012 this year.
The ceremony took place Dayah Baitul Arqam simple in the boarding hall complex. In addition to Chairman of Muhammadiyah leaders and elements of Aceh, the event was also attended by Chairman of the Regional Leadership Nahdhatul Ulama (PWNU) Aceh, Tgk H Faisal Ali. Also present Vice-Chancellor II Unmuha, Drs H Zuardi Zain, ballooning Kemenag Aceh Besar, Drs Salahuddin, a member of Banda Aceh DPRK, Mukminan SE, Makmur Like Muspika element, and the Village Tampok Blang.
In his speech, Prof Alyasa 'Baitul Dayah Arqam hope this can give birth to a generation ready to face the development of the world, and have provision for eternal life in the hereafter. "Therefore all stakeholders, especially the leadership of the Islamic boarding school and surrounding community, in order to build children's character of Islamic students. With a strong character, as well as considerable skill, God willing, they will be a generation capable of facing the development of the world and equipped for life in the hereafter, "he said.
Ballooning Kemenag Aceh Besar, Drs Salahuddin, express gratitude and joy in the presence-based boarding tahfiz Quran, information technology, and journalism in the region of Aceh Besar. He hopes, boarding it will play a major role to improve the quality of education in Aceh Besar, especially boarding school opened formally under the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag), although the new beginning for junior secondary school (MTs).
Baitul Dayah leadership Arqam Tgk Mulyadi Lc said, for this first year will educate MTs Baitul Arqam 24 students. Five of them are students paid, the rest is under the care of orphans PW Muhammadiyah in Aceh. "Some of these orphaned children's education is paid infak of students and the rest comes from donors and other sources who sought the Muhammadiyah and Dayah Baitul PW Arqam," he said. (Nal)
- Chairman of the Regional Chairman of Muhammadiyah in Aceh, Prof Dr H Al Yasa 'Abubakar MA, Saturday (7/7) inaugurated Dayah / Arqam Bayt Islamic School, in the village of Blang Tampok, Sibreh, Aceh Besar. Dayah-based Information Technology (IT), Journalism, and Tahfiz Quran, began to educate students tsanawiyah level (MTs) since 2012 this year.
The ceremony took place Dayah Baitul Arqam simple in the boarding hall complex. In addition to Chairman of Muhammadiyah leaders and elements of Aceh, the event was also attended by Chairman of the Regional Leadership Nahdhatul Ulama (PWNU) Aceh, Tgk H Faisal Ali. Also present Vice-Chancellor II Unmuha, Drs H Zuardi Zain, ballooning Kemenag Aceh Besar, Drs Salahuddin, a member of Banda Aceh DPRK, Mukminan SE, Makmur Like Muspika element, and the Village Tampok Blang.
In his speech, Prof Alyasa 'Baitul Dayah Arqam hope this can give birth to a generation ready to face the development of the world, and have provision for eternal life in the hereafter. "Therefore all stakeholders, especially the leadership of the Islamic boarding school and surrounding community, in order to build children's character of Islamic students. With a strong character, as well as considerable skill, God willing, they will be a generation capable of facing the development of the world and equipped for life in the hereafter, "he said.
Ballooning Kemenag Aceh Besar, Drs Salahuddin, express gratitude and joy in the presence-based boarding tahfiz Quran, information technology, and journalism in the region of Aceh Besar. He hopes, boarding it will play a major role to improve the quality of education in Aceh Besar, especially boarding school opened formally under the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag), although the new beginning for junior secondary school (MTs).
Baitul Dayah leadership Arqam Tgk Mulyadi Lc said, for this first year will educate MTs Baitul Arqam 24 students. Five of them are students paid, the rest is under the care of orphans PW Muhammadiyah in Aceh. "Some of these orphaned children's education is paid infak of students and the rest comes from donors and other sources who sought the Muhammadiyah and Dayah Baitul PW Arqam," he said. (Nal)
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