Governor of Aceh, Dr. Zaini Abdullah prohibit the Unit Head of the Government of Aceh (SKPA) abroad, but after a discussion of the Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM) Aceh completely.
Foreign travel ban was issued Governor of Aceh with the intention that all SKPA more focus to complete the preparation of his official program RPJM respectively. If the program was later RPJM completed, it will be incorporated into the document RPJM Aceh 2012-2017. The document is to be referred to the vision and mission development that has been delivered in pairs Muzakir Zaini-election campaign and is now being compiled with Bappeda Bappeda Aceh regency / city in Aceh.
Zaini Abdullah stated that the Governor at the opening of the Vision and Mission Submission of Governor and Vice Governor of Aceh the period 2012-2017 to be included in the document RPJM Aceh Aceh Bappeda 2012-2017 in the Hall, Monday (2/7). Zaini added that Aceh's development vision as he leads with Deputy Muzakir Manaf, Aceh is a dignified, prosperous, fair, independent and based on Aceh Government Law as an expression of the Helsinki MoU. "To realize that vision, we created five missions," he said.
First, improving the governance of Aceh Government mandate through implementation and completion of BAL derivatives to maintain a lasting peace. Second, applying the values of Acehnese culture and values of this religion in all sectors of society. Third, strengthen the economic structure and quality of human resources. Fourth, implement a proportional development of Aceh, integrated, and sustainable, and the fifth to realize an increase in the value-added production and optimizing the utilization of natural resources.
According to Zaini, to realize the vision and mission of five, designed nine priority programs, namely bureaucratic reform, the implementation of Islamic values, social, and cultural rights, food security and increase the added value of agricultural production, poverty and unemployment reduction, optimization of the integrated development of infrastructure , optimizing the utilization of natural resources, improving the quality of education and health services, building sustainable peace, and environmental quality improvement and risk reduction.
Road constructionAceh Deputy Governor, Muzakir Manaf appealed DPRA and the Head of Highways and Human Settlements (BMCK) Aceh to the completion of the program include road-Blangkejeren Kutacane-Bireuen-Takengon into the program's Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM) Aceh 2012-2017. Muzakir saw the completion of a cross is very important this center, because its function is vital and strategic mobility, the marketing of agricultural products, and drive the economy of the people of Aceh in the region.
"Why do people in Aceh Singkil, Subulussalam, Southeast Aceh, Gayo Lues, Bener Meriah and Central Aceh asked for separation of Aceh province, was due to the six regional transportation routes to the provincial capital of Banda Aceh, has not been as good transport links across the east- north and the south-west of Aceh, "said Deputy Muzakir Manaf when giving directions to the event submission of Vision and Mission of the Governor and Vice Governor of Aceh in Aceh RPJM 2012-2017 which took place in the Hall Bappeda Aceh, Monday (2/7).
The agricultureSeparately to the Veranda in his office on Monday (2/7), Deputy Muzakir Manaf also expressed its commitment to improving the living standard of farmers through agricultural marketing efforts with a high selling price and guaranteed.
According Muzakir, for the early stages, it will market agricultural societies the central region (Bener Meriah and Central Aceh) to Malaysia by way of sea transportation. "We'll open more lines of sea communication Aceh-Malaysia route Lhokseumawe-Langsa-Penang," he said.
For the passage of the export of agricultural products, FAMA as the Malaysia through empire company has committed to hold all Acehnese agricultural produce such as vegetables, bananas, yams, coconuts, and coffee.
"So far, the results are not guaranteed Gayo vegetables of marketing. Unfortunately even more when prices fall harvest occurred, because no market can accommodate. If this condition is allowed to continue farming communities in the central region was never free from suffering, "said Muzakir Manaf. (Her / sup) http://aceh.tribunnews.com/2012/07/03/gubernur-larang-kadis -to the out-of-country
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