Jelly Bean safest Claimed

Android 4.1
Google's latest operating System, Android 4.1 or called Jelly Bean claimed the most secure of the other versions at this time. OS is believed to be difficult to be penetrated by hackers who often install malware (malicious program) to attack Android users.

Google claims, Jelly Bean version is the first version of Android that meets the Address Space Layout Randomisation (ASLR). ASLR is a standard security against hackers who are looking for ways to install malware on the user's device.

ASLR randomizing the memory locations for the library and other data structures, making it difficult for cyber criminals to smuggle malware on the handset. This report is based on the results of the study a number of hackers and security firms on security arrangements in the Jelly Bean.

"If a hacker knows there are not random and ASLR does not work, then it will be a door for them to break anything," said security researcher from research firm Accuvant, Charlie Miller

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