MAKASSAR, - the General Elections Commission (KPU) officially launched the South Sulawesi and stage schedules elections for governors and vice governors (Pilgub) 2013 South Sulawesi. After passing all the initial stages, pilgub will be held January 22, 2013.
KPU chairman of South Sulawesi, Jayadi Nas said, pilgub is not new. Therefore, it takes commitment from all parties to mensukseskannya. If all have good intentions, he said, it is not impossible, South Sulawesi Pilgub 2013 or later will be a pilot project or the best example in Indonesia.
"People may have different opinions, but in this context we must stick together. We see Mr. Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Mr. Ilham Arief Sirajuddin, is present here and possible other candidates who will run in pilgub," said Jayadi in the seminar, launching stage, program, schedule, mascots, and jingles elections for governors and lieutenant governor of South Sulawesi in the Tower Bosowa, Saturday, July 14th.
Jayadi said the figures showed South Sulawesi pilgub togetherness that regard is a matter of course. Which determine who will win pilgub, will be determined by the will of the people of the Almighty.
Pilgub, continued Jayadi, a democratic process to organize the next government. Commission of South Sulawesi and for the lower ranks, he said, just as the executor. They are only instruments that are not in the position of the organizers who won interfere. KPU task only carry out the mandate for the implementation of legislation pilgub can run smoothly.
He added on 13 August, the Election Commission of South Sulawesi, is about to get a list of potential voters Pilgub Population (DP4). Meanwhile, organizers pilgub in the district / city is in the final stages of organizing the formation of adhoc PPK and PPS.
The next 16 to 22 July 2012, the Commission will Sulsel to road show to the area to provide guidance to local organizers pilgub adhoc. "The important thing for us, the political process is merely a means for us to menyampaikian political aspirations," said Jayadi.
KPU set schedule, the election of governor and deputy governor of South Sulawesi, will be held Tuesday, January 22, 2013. Stages of the campaign will take place in an atmosphere of new year at 5 to 18 January 2013.
Governor of South Sulawesi, Syahrul Yasin Limpo who attended the event said yesterday, pilgub a strategic momentum, so do not spoil it. To ensure the smooth running Pilgub South Sulawesi, is very dependent on the readiness of carrying out the process and its stages in the Commission, as well as other phases of the sekaitan.
He said the people of South Sulawesi, either Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, Toraja, and others, have four things that a measure of truth. First, he said, the truth based on religious teachings. According to him, religion is a primary value.
"Do not doubt my dreams with inspiration. Insha Allah yesterday, today, until tomorrow, whatever happens, nothing can separate me with Ilham Arif Sirajuddin," said Syahrul who received applause from the participants.
The second word is the truth sociological Syahrul. This truth can be accepted when there is an objective that can be received by naked eye. The third is a juridical truth, obeyed the rules. He asked the Commission to enforce existing rules. Positions up for grabs, he said, so grab it respectable position should also be a respectable way.
"Thank God until this moment I am happy to still be sitting with Ilham. Sometimes I forget that it's Inspiration rival. Sometimes there is a longing for her SMS. He was also like that," he said.
Next, the fourth is cultural truths, such as culture sipakatau, sipakalabbi, sipakainga, shame siparappe sipatuo sipatokkong, and various other cultural values.
He called on all parties, particularly the Commission to make Pilgub Sulawesi Sulawesi different from other provinces, which became the best in Indonesia. Hope it can only be achieved if the Commission actually do their job professionally and correctly. That will anticipate every potential difference antarpendukun mind.
"I promise you that Mr. Jayadi. Marimi we see all the same cation in Indonesia that this is how politics. We remain polite," he said. Only if the Commission is not professional, then the truth of the above four approaches will be problematic.
Syahrul also deliver five messages to the KPU. Former two-term Gowa Regent calls on the Commission Sulsel improve its policies and anticipate in order to avoid fraud. He added that morality is not a good organizer, will cause the system to malfunction.
In addition it is expected that there is no deviation alias back and forth stages. The agenda should be on the road. Budget he called a "spare tire" will never be enough. Syahrul therefore asked the Commission to mengefekifkannya South Sulawesi. Finally, he meminya media are able to understand, to support partners in order to be cool and all participating communities.
Besides Syahrul and Jayadi, a national seminar to present the central KPU member Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah, Bawaslu Chairman, Muhammad Alhamid, DPD and academics Unhas Aksa Mahmud, Prof. Tahir Kasnawi. (Zuk / pap)
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