JAKARTA: Mount Merapi in Central Java at about 18:02 pm, at the Post Babadan audible roar of avalanches result from the top of the mountain.
In fact, at 18:10 am until 18:15 pm from the Post Selo, smoke was observed with a height of about 1000 meters from the summit of Merapi, leaning toward the West.
Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, Head of Data Information and Public Relations National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) declared at about 18:45 pm in the Post Babadan thin rain of ash and sulfur smell.
"For at 18:40 pm on reports of ash fall occurred in Compact Jero and Srumbung gulf," he said in a press statement received Business, Sunday, July 15, 2012.
According to him, the smoke that seemed not of the eruption of Mount Merapi, but the smoke of avalanches, as well as ash falls but not the result of volcanic ash avalanches.
"There was no eruption of Merapi and normal status. Communities around the volcano to remain calm, so as not to fall for the issue of who do not clear the source," said Sutopo.
Source of news about the volcanic activity can be obtained from the office BPPTK Yogyakarta. (fire)
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