Varicose veins are veins that have widening. We can see the veins under our skin. The shape is usually elongated and prominent, like the shape of a rather long cable. The blood vessels tend to be dark blue and even purple with little oxygen levels.Varicose veins are not only occur in the legs but also in other parts such as the vulva (vaginal lips), the testes in men, which led to the ambient anus and throat area.Although the fine veins are not dangerous, but often causes problems with appearance.
B. Problem formulationIn the paper explains:A. What is the definition of varicose veins?2. How Symptoms of varicose veins?3. What causes varicose veins?4. How the shape of the risk factors of varicose veins?5. How many types Varicose veins?6. How Varicose Preventive Measures?7. How Treatment of varicose veins?8. What alernatif Treatment for varicose veins?
C. Writing ObjectivesCompilers, set out this paper should be able to understand about the symptoms of varicose veins, varicose veins causes, risk factors, type of varicose veins, varicose veins Step Prevention, Treatment of varicose veins, and alernatif Treatment for varicose veins.
A. Varicose definitionVaricose veins are a condition where the veins / dilated veins and berkelok2. The term varicose veins is generally aimed at the leg area although can occur in other areas.Varicose veins are closely related to the weakness of the structure of muscle tone vein or veins. Basically the veins do not have enough power to push the blood back into circulation, as upward flow direction. To help the blood to move upwards, the venous valves fitted. Valve opens to allow blood to flow, then the valve closes after blood through it. If the muscle tone around the veins of less strength / weakness, then there was stasis (blood flow stopped) and the blood tends to congregate at the base of the vein, so that the veins dilated. Consequently, the precipitation-deposition of blood in the veins which then form the bulges of winding bluish color, which was then known as varicose veins.Varicose veins are more commonly used term for the lower leg. Nevertheless varicose veins may also occur in other places such as the funikulus spermatikus (varicocele), esophagus (esophageal varices), anorectal (hemorrhoidal) veins triggers Very associated with offspring. Varicose veins are also closely related to hormonal. Increased incidence of varicose veins during menstruation, pregnancy trimester I and II as well as the use of contraceptive drugs. Where the circumstances mentioned above, is thought to cause the vein tonus is reduced. Besides obesity can also lead to varicose veins due to obesity, venous structure becomes less good, and an increase in blood volume. Factors of age / aging is also a trigger of varicose veins. In old age there fibroelastis veins, reduced elasticity and muscle tone is also reduced. On a lot of people who work standing up, there is an element of gravity that causes the tone to work hard to restore blood to the top. This is also another cause which can lead to varicose veins triggers another is never suffered an injury to the leg and suffered the circumstances in which increased pressure within the abdomen. Penegakkkan diagnosis of varicose veins marked by a picture of vein / veins are dilated and meandering. Furthermore found the following signs: Itching, heavy legs, sore and tired (especially at night and after doing the activity) Swelling of the ankles, feet will usually be reduced if elevated / elevated. Leg pain, especially in the morning and decreases when used to walk. Cramps at night. Differences in skin color around the veins is broken. Redness, looks dry and itchy sensation in the affected skin aea often known as venous stasis dermatitis or eczema. In the event of minor trauma in the crash area can bleed more than normal, or have a longer recovery process. Often the skin over the ankle to be hardened. Other tests such as the patient is asked to stand for 5-10 minutes, then the varicose veins are visible. In addition there are other checks that can do some tests such as Brodie-Trendelenburg test the principle, the flow rate if the venous return before pressure is applied on the vein. Is the diameter of the vein will not change / continue or will it increase in size or magnitude of the veins is reduced / lost. Ultrasound can detect the presence of varicose veins, by assessing the anatomy of the affected vein. Doppler ultrasound, can detect the flow of venous blood so as to provide the information competency of blood flow to the valve, especially in the deep veins.This beneficial action done before the surgery. ManagementA. Non Operative principle is to reduce blood flow and blood pressure in the veins. And make the superficial veins become deflated. By the way: - Balut press - Elastic stockings / elastic bandage during the day but sleep is recommended but the streets were sitting and standing for long periods should dhindari.2. Sclerotherapy (injection - compression) Drug sclerotherapy causes thrombosis and sclerosis. Usually performed on varicose veins below the knee and not for cosmetic action because it will cause darker skin.3. Surgery - ligation-excision procedures, saphenous stripping surgical indications are: - Have experienced variceal bleeding due to ulcers - pain due to recurrent varicose veins - cosmetic considerations There is no contraindication to do actions such as injections and surgery include infection acute thrombophlebitis, DVT, pregnancy, pelvic tumor . In the pre-operative, evaluate patency of the venous system that is located in the / deep. Then followed by ligation of the veins. Actions such as minimally invasive endovenous thermal ablation, including endovenous laser ablation (ELA) and radiofrequency ablation (ERA) do not seem popular in Indonesia. ELA and ERA is only performed by physicians who are experienced and require special equipment. Recurrence after surgery, 10% of patients have varicose veins returning. The most common cause is a failure for me ligation / megikat all the veins are involved.
B. Symptoms of varicose veinsThere are several symptoms of varicose veins were:A. At first the feet and legs feel heavy, followed by a simple muscle soreness, stiffness, heat and pain around the feet and legs. Usually pain is felt in the evening, due to the interrupted blood flow.2. Easy cramps, although the foot in a relaxed condition.3. Dilation of blood vessels appear hair-like spider webs (spider navy).4. Changes in skin color (pigmentation) around the ankles, due to the interrupted blood flow. Sometimes followed by wound around the ankle are difficult to heal.5. Leg swelling (edema) due to the damming of the blood.6. Changes in the external veins, such as in the back of the calf veins appear bluish and winding. This situation is a symptom of chronic varicose veins.
C. The cause of varicose veinsA. Reduced elasticity of the walls of the veins which causes veins to weaken and was unable to drain blood to the heart as it should. Blood flow from the legs to the heart is fighting gravity, because it must be strong blood vessels, as well as the dynamics surrounding muscles.2. Damage to the vein valves, or valve when the valve is in charge keep blood flowing to the heart so as not to get out again. Damaged valves keep the blood gathered in the inside and causing clots that interrupt blood flow.
The trigger of varicose veins are:ü HeredityVaricose veins usually occur in adulthood due to hormonal changes and weight gain. Varicose veins that occur at younger ages, most likely due to hereditary factors.
ü PregnancyIncreased progesterone hormones and weight gain during pregnancy is increasingly burdened feet, consequently the flow of blood from the feet, legs, groin and lower abdomen was inhibited.ü Lack of movementUrban lifestyles that lack of movement, causing the muscles around the veins can not pump blood to the fullest.ü SmokeThe content of harmful substances in cigarettes makes the blood vessels become stiff and the narrowing, so that the vessel wall is more elastic.ü Too many standStanding too long to make the foot is too heavy to hold the body and worsen the workload in the draining veins. If your profession requires a lot of standing, try to not stand in the position of the static (stationary), but still moving. For example, by walking in place, so that the leg muscles can continue to work to pump blood to the heart.ü Suffering from high cholesterol and diabetesBoth types of the disease is closely related to circulatory problems, blood vessel abnormalities that lead to obesity and varicose veins.ü Wearing high heelsThe right shoes that are too high to make the muscles move the heel that helps blood vessels work, to be not optimal.
D. Risk factorsThere are several factors that could cause a person affected by varicose veins, including:
Genetic: Varicose veins are hereditary factors associated with the weak trend of valves in veins.
Gender: Women are twice more likely to have varicose veins than men. Fluctuations in hormones progesterone and estrogen affects the incidence of these fine veins. This risk is generally more often occur in pregnant women, pre-menstruation or menopause, are taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.
Occupation: You are more likely to stand up and always use high heels at work more at risk of varicose veins. It is influential because the veins will have a longer load up comes the varicose veins.
Weight: Excess weight can cause the valve to excessive pressure so that the veins have decreased function. This is why people who are obese tend to be susceptible to varicose veins.
Age: The age of the veins lose their elasticity so it will be more easily stretched and widened. But that does not mean you are young away from this disease. If you have risk factors-faktro as above and coupled with an unhealthy lifestyle, varicose veins can come your way.
E. Types of Varicose veinsA. Varicose veins spider species navy.Varicose veins are relatively mild, usually due to the temperature is too hot or cold, exposed to constant sunlight, pregnant, heredity, habits and pungent spice-laden foods, and hormonal treatment.Varicose veins of this type can occur in several places, namely in the face, base of the arm, thigh, the knee, ankle and heel. Therapy is used commonly by means of a laser beam, so that the blood vessels to dry. There is also an electric appliance therapy to include certain substances into the skin, to shrink the blood vessels or wrinkled.2. Varicose veins in the skinThese varicose veins occur in a smooth and thin in the skin of the foot. Treat it, doctors gave the drugs that strengthen vein walls and improving blood flow, or using special stockings varicose veins.Stocking serves to suppress muscle veins and the vein wall can return to work optimally. Stocking able to prevent, reduce early symptoms, and pain sufferers though only temporary. So, still need to take medication.3. Reticular varicose veins Varicose VeinsThis is the more severe varicose veins, as occurs in veins under the skin. To treat it, doctors will perform a few steps:ü Giving drugs taken to strengthen the walls of veins and blood circulation.ü Provide irritant injection into the damaged blood vessels or dilated.ü The drug will form the connective tissue as well shut off the flow of blood, so that the veins will be narrowed. Blood will find 'another way' through the normal veins.ü After the injection, you should use a stocking varicose veins and may not use the high-heeled shoes.ü Exercise is recommended as walking, swimming and jogging, so that leg muscles are able to contract properly.
F. Varicose PrecautionsBefore the next step or how to prevent the appearance of varicose veins:
To improve muscular strength and leg veins, do regular exercise
Reduce the use of high heels because of the use of the calf muscle becomes maximum. If it should always use high heels, frequent breaks and move the legs every 15 minutes.
Avoid standing for long periods. When the demands of your job requires a lot of stand up, move the weight from one foot to the other every few minutes.
Do not sit cross-legged for too long because it can inhibit blood circulation
Do not often wear tight at the waist, thighs and legs
Make a habit of taking vitamin C and E for good for blood vessels.
Consume lots of fiber, fruits and vegetables
Reduce salt intake to avoid swelling
Avoid spicy foods because it can stimulate blood vessel dilation
Perform leg exercises. Sitting round the ankles clockwise and vice versa
Raise your legs when resting
Stand up straight every 45 minutes after you sit down to work all day
Shower with hot and cold water alternately very good for blood circulation.
In addition to the above steps to prevent varesis can be done by:· Limit the use of "high heels"Avoid excessive toehold in the limbs, among others, the regulation of body weight and avoiding the use of high heels that are too long and too often. Extra body weight to work the legs become heavier than normal, the working leg muscles become more active. Impact, the backflow of blood flow from the legs to the heart becomes larger and the pressure became elevated.The use of high heel shoes increase the distance that must be achieved through the blood stream and make some leg muscles work harder to compensate for pressure backflow of blood flow becomes increasingly higher.· Rest your legsRegulate the activity of the limbs and limb position at rest by taking the leg rest in between intervals of activity. Stick your legs straight and wedge with one or two pads while sitting or lying in order to break the flow of blood back flowing smoothly in the normal pressure. In some circumstances, give a warm water bath on the foot and lower leg can help smooth the flow of blood behind.· Always clean and moistKeep your legs clean and moisture to avoid the possibility of injury and infection.
G. Treatment of varicose veinsIf the disease has occurred varicose veins treatment can be done by:A. Use the "stocking"Wear special elastic garment on the leg that is able to provide additional pressure on the veins (venous) equally from the feet up to the groin. Form of special elastic garment is usually like a stocking or tights.2. Injection sclerotherapy substancesThis was done on the blood vessels (vein) that seem winding and branching cavity to collapse the veins (venous).3. SurgeryStripping surgery this off veins (veins) along the leg of the surrounding structure, and then discarded.4. Combination of these three types of treatmentTreatment of varicose veins that have been performed by plastic surgeons and gives good results. However, somehow preventing it easier and cheaper than cure.
H. Alernatif treatment for varicose veinsIn addition to treatment with medicine, can also be a treatment alternative.A. Drinking juice blend of carrots, celery and parsley, or a mixture of carrot and cucumber spinach; mixture of carrots, beets and cucumbers; mixture of carrots, spinach and celery or watercress juice; a nutritious improving blood circulation while strengthening blood vessel walls.2. Eat foods rich in lecithin, such as soybeans; parsley, ginger and peppermint water is beneficial improving blood circulation and strengthen blood vessel walls.3. Drink herbal tea made from the flowers of lime, mint, Gingko biloba and grape seed (grape seed).
4. Aromatherapy Massage with cypress oil are nutritious ingredients stimulate the blood circulation and strengthen blood vessel walls. Other options: lavender oil, rosemary, mint or lemon.5. Alternately soaking in hot water (temperature of 41-43 degrees Celsius) and cold water (temperature 15 degrees Celsius), each for 15-30 seconds and repeated for 30 minutes, for circulation and strengthen blood vessel walls.6. Or spray the feet alternately, especially in the rear calf area, with hot and cold water as above.7. Reflexology foot in the nerve endings can help remove metabolic waste pile of crystals in the nerve endings, or do acupuncture and acupressure on specific points
A. ConclusionVaricose veins are a condition where the veins / dilated veins and berkelok2. The term varicose veins is generally aimed at the leg area although can occur in other areas.There are several symptoms of varicose veins were:A. At first the feet and legs feel heavy, followed by a simple muscle soreness, stiffness, heat and pain around the feet and legs. Usually pain is felt in the evening, due to the interrupted blood flow.2. Easy cramps, although the foot in a relaxed condition.3. Dilation of blood vessels appear hair-like spider webs (spider navy).4. Changes in skin color (pigmentation) around the ankles, due to the interrupted blood flow. Sometimes followed by wound around the ankle are difficult to heal.5. Leg swelling (edema) due to the damming of the blood.6. Changes in the external veins, such as in the back of the calf veins appear bluish and winding. This situation is a symptom of chronic varicose veins.Causes of varicose veins:A. Reduced elasticity of the walls of the veins which causes veins to weaken and was unable to drain blood to the heart as it should. Blood flow from the legs to the heart is fighting gravity, because it must be strong blood vessels, as well as the dynamics surrounding muscles.2. Damage to the vein valves, or valve when the valve is in charge keep blood flowing to the heart so as not to get out again. Damaged valves keep the blood gathered in the inside and causing clots that interrupt blood flow.There are several factors that could cause a person affected by varicose veins, including: Genetic, Sex, Work, Weight, and AgeVaricose veins Varicose veins are the types of spider species navy, Varicose veins in the skin, reticular and varicose veins Varicose VeinsTreatment of varicose veins Use "stocking", substances Injection sclerotherapy, surgery and combination of these three types of treatment
B. The suggestionsAs described above in order to bear in mind to avoid the occurrence of circulatory disease or varicose veins, varicose veins cause a disease that inhibits blood circulation is quite disturbing appearance because blood vessels are prominent and winding very clear on the skin surface.
Thank God we pray to the Divine Presence Robbi because thanks to His mercy and grace we can complete this paper. Salawat and regards hopefully continually devoted to the role models of all time Rasullulah SAW. We would also like to thank professors who guided us dam the manufacture of this paper.
This paper discusses and explains simply about "The System Circulatory Disease (Varicose)".
In this paper making course there are many shortcomings and mistakes, therefore we are looking forward to constructive suggestions from all parties and hopefully this paper useful.
B. Problem formulationIn the paper explains:A. What is the definition of varicose veins?2. How Symptoms of varicose veins?3. What causes varicose veins?4. How the shape of the risk factors of varicose veins?5. How many types Varicose veins?6. How Varicose Preventive Measures?7. How Treatment of varicose veins?8. What alernatif Treatment for varicose veins?
C. Writing ObjectivesCompilers, set out this paper should be able to understand about the symptoms of varicose veins, varicose veins causes, risk factors, type of varicose veins, varicose veins Step Prevention, Treatment of varicose veins, and alernatif Treatment for varicose veins.
A. Varicose definitionVaricose veins are a condition where the veins / dilated veins and berkelok2. The term varicose veins is generally aimed at the leg area although can occur in other areas.Varicose veins are closely related to the weakness of the structure of muscle tone vein or veins. Basically the veins do not have enough power to push the blood back into circulation, as upward flow direction. To help the blood to move upwards, the venous valves fitted. Valve opens to allow blood to flow, then the valve closes after blood through it. If the muscle tone around the veins of less strength / weakness, then there was stasis (blood flow stopped) and the blood tends to congregate at the base of the vein, so that the veins dilated. Consequently, the precipitation-deposition of blood in the veins which then form the bulges of winding bluish color, which was then known as varicose veins.Varicose veins are more commonly used term for the lower leg. Nevertheless varicose veins may also occur in other places such as the funikulus spermatikus (varicocele), esophagus (esophageal varices), anorectal (hemorrhoidal) veins triggers Very associated with offspring. Varicose veins are also closely related to hormonal. Increased incidence of varicose veins during menstruation, pregnancy trimester I and II as well as the use of contraceptive drugs. Where the circumstances mentioned above, is thought to cause the vein tonus is reduced. Besides obesity can also lead to varicose veins due to obesity, venous structure becomes less good, and an increase in blood volume. Factors of age / aging is also a trigger of varicose veins. In old age there fibroelastis veins, reduced elasticity and muscle tone is also reduced. On a lot of people who work standing up, there is an element of gravity that causes the tone to work hard to restore blood to the top. This is also another cause which can lead to varicose veins triggers another is never suffered an injury to the leg and suffered the circumstances in which increased pressure within the abdomen. Penegakkkan diagnosis of varicose veins marked by a picture of vein / veins are dilated and meandering. Furthermore found the following signs: Itching, heavy legs, sore and tired (especially at night and after doing the activity) Swelling of the ankles, feet will usually be reduced if elevated / elevated. Leg pain, especially in the morning and decreases when used to walk. Cramps at night. Differences in skin color around the veins is broken. Redness, looks dry and itchy sensation in the affected skin aea often known as venous stasis dermatitis or eczema. In the event of minor trauma in the crash area can bleed more than normal, or have a longer recovery process. Often the skin over the ankle to be hardened. Other tests such as the patient is asked to stand for 5-10 minutes, then the varicose veins are visible. In addition there are other checks that can do some tests such as Brodie-Trendelenburg test the principle, the flow rate if the venous return before pressure is applied on the vein. Is the diameter of the vein will not change / continue or will it increase in size or magnitude of the veins is reduced / lost. Ultrasound can detect the presence of varicose veins, by assessing the anatomy of the affected vein. Doppler ultrasound, can detect the flow of venous blood so as to provide the information competency of blood flow to the valve, especially in the deep veins.This beneficial action done before the surgery. ManagementA. Non Operative principle is to reduce blood flow and blood pressure in the veins. And make the superficial veins become deflated. By the way: - Balut press - Elastic stockings / elastic bandage during the day but sleep is recommended but the streets were sitting and standing for long periods should dhindari.2. Sclerotherapy (injection - compression) Drug sclerotherapy causes thrombosis and sclerosis. Usually performed on varicose veins below the knee and not for cosmetic action because it will cause darker skin.3. Surgery - ligation-excision procedures, saphenous stripping surgical indications are: - Have experienced variceal bleeding due to ulcers - pain due to recurrent varicose veins - cosmetic considerations There is no contraindication to do actions such as injections and surgery include infection acute thrombophlebitis, DVT, pregnancy, pelvic tumor . In the pre-operative, evaluate patency of the venous system that is located in the / deep. Then followed by ligation of the veins. Actions such as minimally invasive endovenous thermal ablation, including endovenous laser ablation (ELA) and radiofrequency ablation (ERA) do not seem popular in Indonesia. ELA and ERA is only performed by physicians who are experienced and require special equipment. Recurrence after surgery, 10% of patients have varicose veins returning. The most common cause is a failure for me ligation / megikat all the veins are involved.
B. Symptoms of varicose veinsThere are several symptoms of varicose veins were:A. At first the feet and legs feel heavy, followed by a simple muscle soreness, stiffness, heat and pain around the feet and legs. Usually pain is felt in the evening, due to the interrupted blood flow.2. Easy cramps, although the foot in a relaxed condition.3. Dilation of blood vessels appear hair-like spider webs (spider navy).4. Changes in skin color (pigmentation) around the ankles, due to the interrupted blood flow. Sometimes followed by wound around the ankle are difficult to heal.5. Leg swelling (edema) due to the damming of the blood.6. Changes in the external veins, such as in the back of the calf veins appear bluish and winding. This situation is a symptom of chronic varicose veins.
C. The cause of varicose veinsA. Reduced elasticity of the walls of the veins which causes veins to weaken and was unable to drain blood to the heart as it should. Blood flow from the legs to the heart is fighting gravity, because it must be strong blood vessels, as well as the dynamics surrounding muscles.2. Damage to the vein valves, or valve when the valve is in charge keep blood flowing to the heart so as not to get out again. Damaged valves keep the blood gathered in the inside and causing clots that interrupt blood flow.
The trigger of varicose veins are:ü HeredityVaricose veins usually occur in adulthood due to hormonal changes and weight gain. Varicose veins that occur at younger ages, most likely due to hereditary factors.
ü PregnancyIncreased progesterone hormones and weight gain during pregnancy is increasingly burdened feet, consequently the flow of blood from the feet, legs, groin and lower abdomen was inhibited.ü Lack of movementUrban lifestyles that lack of movement, causing the muscles around the veins can not pump blood to the fullest.ü SmokeThe content of harmful substances in cigarettes makes the blood vessels become stiff and the narrowing, so that the vessel wall is more elastic.ü Too many standStanding too long to make the foot is too heavy to hold the body and worsen the workload in the draining veins. If your profession requires a lot of standing, try to not stand in the position of the static (stationary), but still moving. For example, by walking in place, so that the leg muscles can continue to work to pump blood to the heart.ü Suffering from high cholesterol and diabetesBoth types of the disease is closely related to circulatory problems, blood vessel abnormalities that lead to obesity and varicose veins.ü Wearing high heelsThe right shoes that are too high to make the muscles move the heel that helps blood vessels work, to be not optimal.
D. Risk factorsThere are several factors that could cause a person affected by varicose veins, including:
Genetic: Varicose veins are hereditary factors associated with the weak trend of valves in veins.
Gender: Women are twice more likely to have varicose veins than men. Fluctuations in hormones progesterone and estrogen affects the incidence of these fine veins. This risk is generally more often occur in pregnant women, pre-menstruation or menopause, are taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.
Occupation: You are more likely to stand up and always use high heels at work more at risk of varicose veins. It is influential because the veins will have a longer load up comes the varicose veins.
Weight: Excess weight can cause the valve to excessive pressure so that the veins have decreased function. This is why people who are obese tend to be susceptible to varicose veins.
Age: The age of the veins lose their elasticity so it will be more easily stretched and widened. But that does not mean you are young away from this disease. If you have risk factors-faktro as above and coupled with an unhealthy lifestyle, varicose veins can come your way.
E. Types of Varicose veinsA. Varicose veins spider species navy.Varicose veins are relatively mild, usually due to the temperature is too hot or cold, exposed to constant sunlight, pregnant, heredity, habits and pungent spice-laden foods, and hormonal treatment.Varicose veins of this type can occur in several places, namely in the face, base of the arm, thigh, the knee, ankle and heel. Therapy is used commonly by means of a laser beam, so that the blood vessels to dry. There is also an electric appliance therapy to include certain substances into the skin, to shrink the blood vessels or wrinkled.2. Varicose veins in the skinThese varicose veins occur in a smooth and thin in the skin of the foot. Treat it, doctors gave the drugs that strengthen vein walls and improving blood flow, or using special stockings varicose veins.Stocking serves to suppress muscle veins and the vein wall can return to work optimally. Stocking able to prevent, reduce early symptoms, and pain sufferers though only temporary. So, still need to take medication.3. Reticular varicose veins Varicose VeinsThis is the more severe varicose veins, as occurs in veins under the skin. To treat it, doctors will perform a few steps:ü Giving drugs taken to strengthen the walls of veins and blood circulation.ü Provide irritant injection into the damaged blood vessels or dilated.ü The drug will form the connective tissue as well shut off the flow of blood, so that the veins will be narrowed. Blood will find 'another way' through the normal veins.ü After the injection, you should use a stocking varicose veins and may not use the high-heeled shoes.ü Exercise is recommended as walking, swimming and jogging, so that leg muscles are able to contract properly.
F. Varicose PrecautionsBefore the next step or how to prevent the appearance of varicose veins:
To improve muscular strength and leg veins, do regular exercise
Reduce the use of high heels because of the use of the calf muscle becomes maximum. If it should always use high heels, frequent breaks and move the legs every 15 minutes.
Avoid standing for long periods. When the demands of your job requires a lot of stand up, move the weight from one foot to the other every few minutes.
Do not sit cross-legged for too long because it can inhibit blood circulation
Do not often wear tight at the waist, thighs and legs
Make a habit of taking vitamin C and E for good for blood vessels.
Consume lots of fiber, fruits and vegetables
Reduce salt intake to avoid swelling
Avoid spicy foods because it can stimulate blood vessel dilation
Perform leg exercises. Sitting round the ankles clockwise and vice versa
Raise your legs when resting
Stand up straight every 45 minutes after you sit down to work all day
Shower with hot and cold water alternately very good for blood circulation.
In addition to the above steps to prevent varesis can be done by:· Limit the use of "high heels"Avoid excessive toehold in the limbs, among others, the regulation of body weight and avoiding the use of high heels that are too long and too often. Extra body weight to work the legs become heavier than normal, the working leg muscles become more active. Impact, the backflow of blood flow from the legs to the heart becomes larger and the pressure became elevated.The use of high heel shoes increase the distance that must be achieved through the blood stream and make some leg muscles work harder to compensate for pressure backflow of blood flow becomes increasingly higher.· Rest your legsRegulate the activity of the limbs and limb position at rest by taking the leg rest in between intervals of activity. Stick your legs straight and wedge with one or two pads while sitting or lying in order to break the flow of blood back flowing smoothly in the normal pressure. In some circumstances, give a warm water bath on the foot and lower leg can help smooth the flow of blood behind.· Always clean and moistKeep your legs clean and moisture to avoid the possibility of injury and infection.
G. Treatment of varicose veinsIf the disease has occurred varicose veins treatment can be done by:A. Use the "stocking"Wear special elastic garment on the leg that is able to provide additional pressure on the veins (venous) equally from the feet up to the groin. Form of special elastic garment is usually like a stocking or tights.2. Injection sclerotherapy substancesThis was done on the blood vessels (vein) that seem winding and branching cavity to collapse the veins (venous).3. SurgeryStripping surgery this off veins (veins) along the leg of the surrounding structure, and then discarded.4. Combination of these three types of treatmentTreatment of varicose veins that have been performed by plastic surgeons and gives good results. However, somehow preventing it easier and cheaper than cure.
H. Alernatif treatment for varicose veinsIn addition to treatment with medicine, can also be a treatment alternative.A. Drinking juice blend of carrots, celery and parsley, or a mixture of carrot and cucumber spinach; mixture of carrots, beets and cucumbers; mixture of carrots, spinach and celery or watercress juice; a nutritious improving blood circulation while strengthening blood vessel walls.2. Eat foods rich in lecithin, such as soybeans; parsley, ginger and peppermint water is beneficial improving blood circulation and strengthen blood vessel walls.3. Drink herbal tea made from the flowers of lime, mint, Gingko biloba and grape seed (grape seed).
4. Aromatherapy Massage with cypress oil are nutritious ingredients stimulate the blood circulation and strengthen blood vessel walls. Other options: lavender oil, rosemary, mint or lemon.5. Alternately soaking in hot water (temperature of 41-43 degrees Celsius) and cold water (temperature 15 degrees Celsius), each for 15-30 seconds and repeated for 30 minutes, for circulation and strengthen blood vessel walls.6. Or spray the feet alternately, especially in the rear calf area, with hot and cold water as above.7. Reflexology foot in the nerve endings can help remove metabolic waste pile of crystals in the nerve endings, or do acupuncture and acupressure on specific points
A. ConclusionVaricose veins are a condition where the veins / dilated veins and berkelok2. The term varicose veins is generally aimed at the leg area although can occur in other areas.There are several symptoms of varicose veins were:A. At first the feet and legs feel heavy, followed by a simple muscle soreness, stiffness, heat and pain around the feet and legs. Usually pain is felt in the evening, due to the interrupted blood flow.2. Easy cramps, although the foot in a relaxed condition.3. Dilation of blood vessels appear hair-like spider webs (spider navy).4. Changes in skin color (pigmentation) around the ankles, due to the interrupted blood flow. Sometimes followed by wound around the ankle are difficult to heal.5. Leg swelling (edema) due to the damming of the blood.6. Changes in the external veins, such as in the back of the calf veins appear bluish and winding. This situation is a symptom of chronic varicose veins.Causes of varicose veins:A. Reduced elasticity of the walls of the veins which causes veins to weaken and was unable to drain blood to the heart as it should. Blood flow from the legs to the heart is fighting gravity, because it must be strong blood vessels, as well as the dynamics surrounding muscles.2. Damage to the vein valves, or valve when the valve is in charge keep blood flowing to the heart so as not to get out again. Damaged valves keep the blood gathered in the inside and causing clots that interrupt blood flow.There are several factors that could cause a person affected by varicose veins, including: Genetic, Sex, Work, Weight, and AgeVaricose veins Varicose veins are the types of spider species navy, Varicose veins in the skin, reticular and varicose veins Varicose VeinsTreatment of varicose veins Use "stocking", substances Injection sclerotherapy, surgery and combination of these three types of treatment
B. The suggestionsAs described above in order to bear in mind to avoid the occurrence of circulatory disease or varicose veins, varicose veins cause a disease that inhibits blood circulation is quite disturbing appearance because blood vessels are prominent and winding very clear on the skin surface.
Thank God we pray to the Divine Presence Robbi because thanks to His mercy and grace we can complete this paper. Salawat and regards hopefully continually devoted to the role models of all time Rasullulah SAW. We would also like to thank professors who guided us dam the manufacture of this paper.
This paper discusses and explains simply about "The System Circulatory Disease (Varicose)".
In this paper making course there are many shortcomings and mistakes, therefore we are looking forward to constructive suggestions from all parties and hopefully this paper useful.
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