Two robbers Foreman jab PT Kana 2000

Report: Efendi Noerdin
Coverage: North Aceh on Sunday (07/08/2012)

Two gunmen (senpi), slashed a company foreman Kana PT Sido Mulyo 2000 in the village, Kuta Makmur district, North Aceh, on Saturday night (7/7).

M Yunus who is a foreman PT Kana 2000, based on information gathered andalas mentioned, allegedly followed the victim from behind while carrying amount of Rp. 20 million in his pocket money from the bank, showed a clockwise direction around 20.00WIB two people using a full bottle of senpi that, up to M Yunus and menodongnya.

"The results of our investigation today said the two men yangmengenakan bottle of, the alleged victim had been followed since the bank came out, from one of the two person using the firearm and the other one uses a machete to come barracks Kana 2000 PT workers, then victim dipergok, threatened one which holds senpi senjatnya had fired into the air, but who holds a machete directly hit M Yunus, because the victim tried to seize weapons used by burglars "said North Aceh police chief, police chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Farid BE through Kuta Makmur, Ipda Syafaruddin.

Unfortunate events, the foreman who had just a new unknown to withdraw money at a bank in Lhokseumawe, to pay the salaries of employees, injured with wounds to the right jab dikepala victims reached 5 centimeters.

Identification of the local police, the robbery attempt two burglars who tried to shift money to be employees of PT Kana 2000, did not manage to do of his search, even though the victim was lying covered with blood. Two thugs bersebo the trigger to run, then after the condition is estimated to be free from the threat of robbers M Yunus in evacuation to the local health center by a number of employees who had scrambled to save themselves, in order to carry out intensive care. *** (EN)

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