BANTEN Unscrupulous officials at the Directorate-General (DG) back taxes involved bribery. Tax Office (LTO) Primary Bogor, U.S., yesterday, arrested the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for allegedly receiving bribes.
Besides the U.S., helped also captured the messengers PT GEA initials E, and E of the aforementioned driver initials. "The U.S. is the recipient of bribes and E we know as the giver. Evidence that we have secured it worth Rp300 million, "said Deputy Chief of Field Enforcement Commission Widjojanto media shortly before the workshop in the park yesterday Banten. Hand capture operation was conducted at 10:25 AM in Housing Tourism Legend, Cibubur.
When the Commission only managed to catch the E and the driver as well as evidence of money. As for the U.S. to escape from the transaction to the City Tourism Cibubur. "The United States escaped with the vehicle and immediately we're after. Then overtaken and were captured at the City Tourism Cibubur, "he explained. Bambang said, even if later handed over to prosecutors, the Commission will recommend that the three were subjected to such strict action pemborgolan.
Moreover, the perpetrators had tried to escape. "According to the info, this case is a long process, we are being understood better," he said. Last night, the U.S. and E to undergo further investigation in the Attorney General's Office (AGO). Daily monitoring of SINDO, they were taken by car KPK prisoners QK.Mobil 7773 B plates are heavily guarded by two other cars carrying a number of investigators and security guards.
U.S. Attorney General and E arrived at around 19:15 pm with his hands cuffed. U.S. wear a white shirt and dark pants, while the other suspects, E, a woman, wearing a gray blazer and glasses. When reporters questioned, they are reluctant to comment. Both KPK investigators were led directly into the Roundhouse on the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus).
Until this news was revealed, there has been no official statement from the Attorney General. In fact, officials from the Center for Information Law (Puspenkum) Attorney General not to look at the Roundhouse AGO. KPK spokesman Johan Budi SP said the community is an important part of combating corruption. Hand capture operation against three people involved in the bribery case Cibubur is evidence of synergy between the Commission, the public, and agencies / ministries concerned.
Criminal law expert from the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) Chairul Huda appreciate itu.Menurutnya KPK operations, each act alleged as part of a criminal act worthy to eradicate corruption, including bribery in the realm of taxation. "Yes, the Commission demonstrated expertise in combating bribery matter, but we are still waiting for the real action against corruption such as Century, Hambalang," said Chairul. Member of Commission III of Hanura Party Sarifuddin Sudding appreciate fishing operations KPK hand.
In his view, the biggest sector of the state income tax as that was one of the concentration of bureaucratic reform law must be free from taxation mafia. "I think it should be appreciated, let alone to catch the people who managed to escape. Evidence seized 300 million is probably not the first or last, "said Sudding.
He added that the examination of the U.S. and E must be traced to the motive for giving the bribe. Sudding said, with strict legal action against the suspects, KPK show seriousness in saving the country's income. "KPK must make a clear legal process, firm, and serious to them.
Even given the punishment that is burdensome to have a deterrent effect for other elements that are still intent, "he said. Director General of Taxes Fuad Rahmany assign the case to the Directorate of Internal Transformation propriety Resources Apparatus (KITSDA) Tax. According to him, KITSDA in cooperation with the KPK to handle allegations of tax fraud committed employees.
Widjojanto added tax hand fishing operations is one focus of KPK. In his view, as the bulk of tax revenue the state is vulnerable to manipulation and distorted. "Prevention and repression continue our sinergikan.Penangkapan this be the result of collaboration with the Directorate General of Tax Commission," he said. Sabir laluhu / m purwadi / ant
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