BOGOR - Development of four cases of foreign journalists that "secured" at Police Headquarters Bogor, West Java, the case of clashes between citizens and the Ahmadiyya community in Cisalada, District Ciampea, awaiting the arrival of the Immigration officer.
"We are interrogating them is a journalist from the Netherlands. However, the affection of Immigration yesterday we had contact until now has not come too, "said the Bogor Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police (AKBP) Hery Santoso, Saturday (14/7).
Hery AKBP claimed police had no legal basis and authority to detain foreign journalists, so they will wait for Immigration.
Meanwhile when asked by reporters that the four positions, the Police can not explain it.
However, the observation, in the examination room Bogor Criminal Police Force is not visible presence of the journalist.
While the social networking site Twitter, a number of human rights activists crowded the Bogor Police criticized foreign reporters actually check, not the other way to follow up allegations of vandalism against houses of Ahmadiyah.
Friday afternoon clashes between citizens and the Ahmadiyya community residents who allegedly fueled resentment against the presence of foreign journalists who want to cover the activities of the Ahmadis. (Yopi)
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